Ramblings from The Convicted Audiophile™ Main Entry: man·i·fes·to
Pronunciation: \ˌma-nə-ˈfes-(ˌ)tō\
Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural man·i·fes·tos or man·i·fes·toes Etymology: Italian, denunciation, manifest, from manifestare to manifest, from Latin, from manifestus Date: 1620
:A written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer.
Oct 16, 2008
Remembrance of Isla Vista Eateries Past by Henry Sarria
I know the author He is old school IV guy He had a band called Fat, Drunk and Stupid
1 comment:
Yeah, Henry rules. Rides his BMX 24" to work at Raytheon or wherever as an engineer. Still lives in the Vista as far as I know. Good man.
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