Ramblings from The Convicted Audiophile™
Main Entry: man·i·fes·to
Pronunciation: \ˌma-nə-ˈfes-(ˌ)tō\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural man·i·fes·tos or man·i·fes·toes
Etymology: Italian, denunciation, manifest, from manifestare to manifest, from Latin, from manifestus
Date: 1620
:A written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer.
Aug 31, 2008
Isla Vista Waterfall
Jay Battle and The Oakland A's

So I'm up in the Bay Area laying down some background vocals that I am under contract from my record company
I get a call from my buddy Jay Battle
"Yo... T Rock!! ," said the Oaktown legend, "My homie from the 805!!..sup dawg?"
"Not much. I'm actually up in your hood for the week," I said.
"Hmmmm. Hey. I need you to lay down some tracks with your Gibson Les Paul," he asked me.
"You got cash this time? Or we gotta work out an arrangement again?" I replied.
The last time I did guitar tracks for Jay he was pretty broke. This was before he got his record deal and started working with Snoop. But, he's bugtime time now so I figured he might have scrilla this time. I was wrong.
Jay pleads his case, "You know I ain't got no cash HANDY Rock. But. I got some sweet 4th row tickets to the A's game. They play Tampa Bay. "
I quickly replied, "Sign me up brotha!!!"
We worked in the studio for a few hours. It was fun. Too Short stopped by a chilled a bit. He said he liked the way my pinky sticks out from my hand when I'm doing my palm mutes.
The game was awesome. Jay's seats were really good. I drank about 6 Pale Ale's and started heckling the 3rd base coach. Then some lady give me the evil eye because I called the umpire a fucking retard. I guess she was concerned about my language and her 6 year old son?

McAffe Stadium is pretty nice. They have this "all-u-can-eat" section. 35 bucks and all the food you can eat. It's on the third deck nose bleed seats. Right behind home plate.

Here is Jay Battle's MySpace page===> I'M THE #1HUSTLA IN THA GAME OAKLAND, California
United States

Jay said he will send me the MP3's of the songs I'm on after the final mixdown. It was fun seeing an old friend again. Bubb Rubb had some killer Purple Kush we fired up in the studio lounge room. If you listen real closely you might hear me Axl like background vocs on one song:) And Too Short loaned me a ho for after the game!! He let me4 pick her too, so that was nice of him. The A's won 5-3. BTW..........

Much love to all my OakTown homies who helped me get where I am today.
T Rock
Audi 500.............

Aug 4, 2008
Cool Hand Trent...World Premiere!!!
My New Scanning Radio Buddy
Dee Molenaar IceFall

Inquire within
Financing available.....
Dee Molenaar is author of The Challenge of Rainier, the definitive history of climbing on the Northwest’s greatest peak. This article is an excerpt from Dee’s autobiography, tentatively called High and Wide with Sketchpad, which he hopes to publish in the near future. The book covers Dee’s life of travel among mountains and deserts, with artistic impressions of what he has seen. Dee has participated in numerous mountaineering expeditions, including Mount St. Elias (1946), K2 (1953), Mount McKinley (1960), and Mount Kennedy (1965). An artist since childhood, Dee developed a habit of carrying a small box of paints to capture impressions of outdoor scenes. He has painted scenes on the spot from below sea level in Death Valley to 25,200 feet on K2. Dee learned to take stereo (“3-D”) photo pairs while flying over mountainous terrain, by snapping two photos a few seconds apart along the plane's flight path. These photos enabled him to view Earth’s landforms in greater detail, helping him prepare oblique-perspective maps of the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Dee Molenaar is an honorary member of The Mountaineers, Appalachian Mountain Club and American Alpine Club. He writes: “In my ‘twilight years’ I've come to realize how empty my life would have been if devoid of mountains and the friendships gained through climbing, skiing, and geologizing. I've felt a growing kinship with the observations of Thoreau and Muir, and of one religious philosopher, who wrote: ‘Rocks and mountains are a reflection of God's solid and grand ideas.’”
An important part of Molenaar's climbing pack has been a small box of watercolors, with which he has painted mountain landscapes from below sea level in Death Valley to over 25,000 feet on K2 in the Himalayas. Dee's love of the high, open world of rock and ice and the fringing meadow zone is reflected in his watercolors, oils and pencil sketches, which are in private collections throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, New Zealand, Russia, and China. His maps and artwork also appear in State Park, U.S. Forest Service, and U.S. National Park service exhibits, ski-area brochures, climbers' guidebooks and autobiographies. In his retirement, Dee continues in his artwork, writing, and lecturing about his mountain travels.
Dee Molenaar Author, Artist, and Master Cartographer
A Neophyte Guide on Mount Rainier
Molenaar Gallery
Deja View Isla Vista, CA
For Lee Carter
Detectives secured a search warrant for an apartment. Just before they were going to execute the warrant, they saw the defendant and another person leave the premises. They seized the two men and took them back to the apartment and executed the warrant. The defendant was also searched. The trial judge denied a motion to suppress on the grounds that the defendant was reasonably connected to the premises. On appeal the Court reversed. "A warrant only authorizes a search of persons on the described property if they are reasonably suspected of being involved in the illegal activity which is the subject of the warrant.... A visitor's mere presence on the premises authorized to be searched is insufficient evidence of criminal conduct to justify a search of his person." The officer had no reasonable suspicion in this case. Calhoun v. State, 627 So. 2d 60 (Fla. 2d DCA 1993).
"[A] person's mere presence at a residence during the execution of a search warrant does not justify a search of that person absent the discovery of something which creates reasonable cause to believe that the person is involved in the criminal activity." In this case the defendant pulled into the parking lot while officers were executing a search warrant in the apartment. An officer recognized him as being a resident of the apartment being searched. The defendant was escorted inside. A search of his person revealed cocaine. A motion to suppress was denied. On appeal the court reversed. Stahl v. State, 634 So. 2d 258 (Fla. 2d DCA 1994).
"[A] person's mere presence at a residence during the execution of a search warrant does not justify a search of that person absent the discovery of something which creates reasonable cause to believe that the person is involved in the criminal activity." In this case the defendant pulled into the parking lot while officers were executing a search warrant in the apartment. An officer recognized him as being a resident of the apartment being searched. The defendant was escorted inside. A search of his person revealed cocaine. A motion to suppress was denied. On appeal the court reversed. Stahl v. State, 634 So. 2d 258 (Fla. 2d DCA 1994).
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